Polli Giancarlo Officina Meccanica
The Polli Giancarlo mechanical workshop is a craft business founded in 1970 specialized in the production of blades and pieces on design or samples cut on wear-resistant sheet Hardox® 500.

The Polli Giancarlo mechanical workshop is a craft business founded in 1970 specialized in the production of blades and pieces on design or samples cut on wear-resistant sheet Hardox® 500.

Polli Giancarlo Officina Meccanica
Sottolame benne in Hardox 500
Via Masera di sotto n. 39
41057 – Spilamberto (Mo)
TEL. 059/783576
FAX 059/7861850
E-mail: officinapolli@gmail.com
PEC polligiancarlo@cert.cna.it